Institutional Building and International Trade



About Institutional Building and International Trade Services

Leading Point is focusing on Increasing and improving government and public enterprises capacity to manage operations and administration, conduct strategic planning and implement decisions, maximize efficiency of resource expenditures, and expand and improve citizen services.

Civil Service

Leading Point develop the Civil service reform by improving the efficiency, effectiveness, professionalism, representatively and democratic character of a civil service, with a view to promoting better delivery of public goods and services, with increased accountability.

Public Institutions Assisting

Leading Point key expert consultants are experienced in assisting governments and related institutions, such as public enterprises, with increasing their organizational capacities to successfully manage operations and make critical decisions that result in success. Leading Point can call upon experts who are leaders in their sectors of government and communal enterprises to provide hands-on capacity development assistance to clients.


Leading Point consultants screen and analyze existing client work processes, identify strong and weak points in management and operations structure, then first redevelop the management process before setting up procedures and reporting systems. To the extent possible, client solutions are built upon already existing processes, requiring a minimum of disturbance of the client’s operations.


Leading Point has categorized two approaches to work force development, sector-based and place-based approaches. The sectoral advocate speaks for the demand side, emphasizing employer- or market-driven strategies, whereas the place-based practitioner is resolutely a believer in the virtue of the supply side: those low-income job seekers who need work and a pathway out of poverty. The Place-based approaches, which consider the supply side of the workplace (workers), are primarily focused on the characteristics of people in the region or community where the training program will be located.